Career Services staff are available to present a variety of career-readiness topics that can be customized for your classes, student organizations, or residence halls. In addition to the topics listed below, we are amenable to developing other career to suit your interests or needs.
Presentations are available ONLY ON TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS beginning at 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM via Bookings so that individuals can find an available date/time that works for them.
If you are in need of a presentation that begins at 4:30 PM or after, or if your class ONLY meets on Monday, Thursday, or Friday, please select the “Special Requests” Bookings option for additional details.
College of Engineering & Technology requests should be sent directly to
Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:
- Career Services Overview
- Career and Major Exploration
- Resume or CV Writing
- Job & Internship Resources
- Strategic Interviewing
- CO-OPs
- Career Fair Success
- Social Media and LinkedIn
- COAD 1000
If you would like a recorded presentation, please reach out to Rachel Person at