Job & Internship Search Strategies

Below are steps ECU Career Services suggests when job or internship searching.

Step 1: Know Yourself and What You Want to Do

What Can I Do with This Major?

Additional career exploration and occupation information tools:

Step 2: Know Where You Want to Work

Identify geographic areas and specific employers

North Carolina Specific Information:

Research organizations or companies that might hire someone with your interests, skills, and background through CareerShift, O*NET and Company Profiles.

Step 3: Get Ready for the Job Search

  • Register with Handshake ECU’s exclusive job and internship database.
  • Create a resume and cover letter. Have it critiqued by Career Services.
  • Create a spreadsheet or system for keeping track of your contacts, interviews, and other job search activities.
  • Identify 3 individuals who will serve as references for you and contact them (hint: do not use family).
  • Practice your interview skills.
  • Buy at least one attractive suit that is appropriate for interviewing in your field.
  • Change the outgoing message on your answering machine/voicemail to something that sounds professional in case an employer calls.
  • Include a neutral/professional e-mail address on your resume.

Step 4: Start Searching

  • Upload your resume to Handshake.
  • Check Handshake on a regular basis to search for updated job and internship opportunities.
  • Use CareerShift to identify companies in specific geographic areas and industries.
  • Stay organized – click here for a tool to help. CareerShift has a built in system for tracking job search activities.
  • Develop lists of networking contacts and connect with each one to gather information and referrals.
  • From your list of top employers, begin contacting hiring managers to schedule meetings.
  • Follow up every cover letter and resume sent with a phone call or e-mail requesting an interview.
  • Send thank you letters within 24 hours to every person who offers assistance or interviews you.


To make an appointment for Job & Internship Searching, login to Handshake and select “Appointments” under the Career Center link on the homepage.