Take Action

Now that you have identified a career or major of interest and set some goals, it is now time to take action towards these goals. Taking action and testing the water is an important part of confirming your career goals. You will never know if you find fulfillment in a career until you try the occupation out for yourself. ECU Career Services provides several resources and tools to help you identify and secure employment, volunteer and networking opportunities.

Networking is the process of discovering and utilizing existing connections between people to help you secure employment, gain knowledge, or simply build relationships. Studies show that only 15-20% of employment opportunities are ever posted online. This means that networking is key to locating non-published career opportunities.

Information Interviewing
Informational interviewing is a specific example of one strategy for networking with professionals in a field of interest. This is a meeting in which an individual can meet with an industry or organization professional to learn about a field of interest and can help to establish a professional network.

Jobs, Internships & CO-OP Search
ECU Career Services provides hundreds of tools and online resources to help you identify internship, co-op, part-time, full-time employment opportunities, volunteer and research experiences, as well as student leadership positions on campus. Make sure to login to Handshake with hundreds of opportunities exclusive to ECU students and alumni.

Career Fairs
Throughout the year ECU Career Services hosts numerous employment, graduate and pre-professional fairs to connect students and alumni with recruiters hiring from local, national and global companies.


To make a Major and Career Planning appointment, login to Handshake and select “Appointments” under the Career Center link on the homepage.